Posted by: wildflowerz | November 15, 2010

I’ve tried so hard, hard to be patient. Hoping you’d stop this infatuation. But each time you are together, I’m so afraid I be losing you forever.

Being Healthy Week 31 Results:

Weight gain: 0.4lbs (26.2lbs Lost Total)
Points Earned: 20/70
Steps Walked: 48,329
Calorie Deficit:  ?

So in two weeks of extreme slacking, I only gained .4lbs?  That seems wrong, but okay.  This morning’s weigh in was after I’d had breakfast, unlike normal.  I forgot again.  I started out the day okay, but I fucked it up a bit.  I exercised this morning…just 30 minutes of WAtP, so nothing all that strenuous.  Then I went to the grocery store.  I had chili for lunch, but I got this chocolate cake thing at the grocery store that I shouldn’t have.  And I ate it.  And it wasn’t good, so that makes it all even worse.  At least I exercised, though.  So that’s something.  I plan on doing maybe an hour of WAtP tomorrow and hopefully by Wednesday, the weather will have cleared up and I can walk outside some.  I hope to do relatively non-strenuous stuff this week and add in some Debbie Rocker next week.  Hopefully by the next week, I can add in some serious stuff (for me, anyway) and do a Biggest Loser dvd or something.  We’ll see.  So, the plan for this week is to try and do better with eating, exercise 5x, and drink 8 cups of water/day.  Wish me luck.

We’ve got TG for my dad’s side of the family on Sunday at my grandmother’s.  It’s supposed to be at 1pm, but my aunt and uncle are never there on time.  Maybe once in the whole time we’ve been doing TG and Cmas over there.  So, we’ll see.  Last time, they said it was because my grandmother told US what time it was, but just told THEM to get there when they could.  So I think I’ll send my aunt a message and let her know what Grandmother told us.  Then we’ve got TG for Chris’s side of the fam at his parents on the next Wednesday.  Not sure why we’re doing it Wednesday night, but there ya go.  Then my parents will be here at our house and we’ll have TG then.  Em’s out all next week.  The only thing I think we’ve got planned is a bit of shopping.  Very exciting here at our house, I tell you. 🙂

I managed to find the Harry Potter Hogwarts Lego thing.  It was on “temporarily unavailable” at Amazon.  But I went back to go ahead and order it so they’d send it when it came in.  The price was $129.  When I went back, it was $169.  I ordered it, but there was also $10 shipping.  I decided to cancel it.  When I went back to the page, they had it for $159 with $16 shipping.  But I went to Toys R Us online and THEY had it back at the $129 with free shipping for orders over $100.  So yay. 🙂  That’s gonna be the Santa gift this year.  I think I got Em a good mix this year.  I got a few books for her, a DS game, a Wii game, Harry Potter Silly Bandz for the stocking, some science-y things (All Natural Spa Lab, that ball ice cream maker, Tasty Science), some crafty things (Make your own masks, fashion angels design stuff), Apples to Apples for kids, Hexbug Nano starter kit, Cook it in a Cup cookbook and silicone cups for cooking, Zoobles set, Harry Potter cookbook, and a Tangled doll.


  1. Holy crap. I haven’t purchased a single thing for christmas yet. Not that I will be buying much (if anything) at all, but still. You are crazeh.

  2. Crazy? What’s so crazy about getting all that shopping shit out of the way? And I’m only actually done with 2 people. I’ve got plenty more to do. 😦 Thanksgiving’s next week!

  3. Iz jelus. Can’t seem to manage to even do my regular stuffs these days, let alone teh shops. I gotta get on it!

    .4 lbs is good!! And if more shows up later, well, you enjoyed it, right? 🙂 Glad you are feeling like getting more back on track!

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